Mass Customization: Tables and Baskets
I initially began by making three tables and quickly realized that I missed the whole point of this assignment to make three parametric designs. So once that detail cleared up for me, I decided instead to try and make some storage baskets similar to ones I have in my home. I decided to do the baskets because it is a familiar example of a structure that needs parametric design. Everyone has various uses for different sized storage containers and baskets were an on hand item I could easily adjust to make three variations.
As I built the baskets, I set different parameters such as material thickness, width, length, and height and then to make the variation, all I had to do was change one parameter. I began with a cube shaped basket, 8 in x 8 in x 8 in, then adjust it to be a shorter height and longer basket, 4 in x 8 in x 10 in, and the final basket was a large storage basket 8 in x 12 in x 24 in.
As I explained above, the difficulty I had was making a design that is actually parametric. The tables I made first were all similar style, but completely different dimensions relative to one another, making it so that I could not simply change one parameter and have an updated model. By purposefully designing parametrically, I had to think about 3D modeling in a different capacity relative to the dimensional ratios. The only resource I used was the class examples from last week and looking at the objects directly to replicate.